This application is a modified version of the original Civic InnovatioN in CommunITY project application (see paper about the former app here: )
This application is now adapted to ask about places you like/don't like/ would like to see utilised better across Manchester.
Please download this if you have been asked to participate in research for the PhD research project of Lucia Brisudová.
This research is concerning people's different perception of urban space in Manchester city. We are focusing on how you as a user of urban space sense the city and its different places depending on time of day/day of a week/current season. We are focusing on three types of perception:
places considered as pleasant,
places considered as unpleasant,
abandoned/vacant places that could be treated and utilized in a better way.
The whole project comes from collaboration between the University of Manchester and Palacký University in Czech Republic.
If you have any questions at all please contact:
Lucia Brisudová
Department of Geography/Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic
Dr Reka Solymosi
School of Social Science/The University of Manchester
Dr. Jonathan Huck
Department of Geography/The University of Manchester